Playing Around With My New Camera

I recently bought a fancy-pants camera, a Nikon D40x. Now I'm kind of like a teenager with a Ferrari... just completely out of my league.

Still and all, it's fun to play with. Here are four of the shots that I like.

Our bamboo on a windy evening.

Our Buddha head.

The alley off Otis St.

The tree on Park St. near Mt. Pleasant.


Anonymous said...

Your bamboo is way tall! I say that as I listen to the neighbor cutting down all sorts of tress next door. I wish he wouldn't do that.

Adam just bought a new camera last night. Theoretically, it's 'our' camera (I think?), but since it has lots of buttons and fancy things I'll let him figure it out. I'm still trying to figure out the then fancy camera I bought 5 or 6 years ago.

Adam B said...

I'd take pictures with it, but nothing is interesting in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Eric, play a lot with exposure time, and aperture. I have been having a lot of fun so far playing with mine and those two settings. Depth of field, yadda yadda.

This is my best so far; I need to remember to make sure I focus though. I ruined a lot of shots.

bov said...

Nice shot. And, yeah, the focus thing bites me in the bottom fairly regularly too.