My Birthday Wish

As many of you know, my birthday is rapidly approaching. Now, just in case anyone is getting fancy ideas about birthday gifts and whatnot... here's what I REALLY, ACTUALLY DO WANT for my birthday.

Help the good people of Fatima, Guatemala, keep their kids in school and get fresh water into their homes.

Of course, if you weren't going to get me a present anyway (thanks for nothing, jerk) then disregard this. But, if you WERE going to, just donate your $10 to some people who could really use it. To do that, simply visit their project page, and find the donate now button on the left hand side.

That would make my birthday very happy indeed.

Project Page:
The Group's Photos:

And, just in case the cause doesn't motivate you on merits alone, here's a photo of a local child with her puppy. Look into her eyes, Scroogie. She's asking you to help her go to school. Why won't you help her go to school?

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