Bye-Bye Bratwurst - 10.7.2006

For one thing, Sammy kept hucking the poor fella across the living room, and the bratwurst just coulding learn to land on his feet for all the milk in Michigan. And then one day my baby sister, Ruthie, ate some of his poop that she found on the floor. What I´m saying is that it wasn´t particularly surprising that my family decided to pass him off to a gentler, less poop-eating family.

He left for his new home on Saturday, October 7, 2006. He was only four weeks old.

While he was with us, his name was Clifford (nay, Cleeeeford.)

While he was with us, I think he gave me fleas. (SOMEone sure did.)

While he was with us, he hid behind the washing machine all day long, and wouldn´t come out to play with anyone but me.

I loved him.

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