Return to the Motherland

I don't know about your family, but when my clan gets together something always ends up on fire.

That's right. It was family reunion time back in the great state of Michigan. And with it came the picture fest. Click the link below to see some highlights.... including a picture of Bambi!

Get ready for some cuteness. Here's my brother-in-law introducing his son to a young friend they found while on a walk through our fields. (Click on the photo to see a larger version.)

While we're on the subject, here's more animal cuteness. This adorable little beagle pup (whom we cleverly named Schmeagle) decided to live with us for a few days. No one knew who he was or what he was doing there, but we figured he wasn't hurting anyone so we let him hang around.

This is one of the funniest parts of any family reunion... the ol' try-to-get-the-kids-to-stand-still-in-a-group-so-we-can-photograph-them bit. Funny stuff. The shot below is a classic. Half the kids are looking up at an airplane. One kid is smiling, but not looking at the camera. One is looking at the camera, but not smiling. One - front and center - is crying. And one is sprinting towards daddy.


Helping my nephew swim at the river....

... so he can show off at the kiddie pool.

My oldest nephew doing his best Saint Francis impression.

This little guy cracks me up to no end.

My youngest nephew and I had the chance to reacquaint. He took the opportunity to sock me in the snout.

My niece on the tire swing.

My oldest niece celebrated her birthday with gusto. I'm doing the exact same thing next time my birthday rolls around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You gotta love the thirty foot flames. I love all the pictures that you have of the kids. I have barely had a chance to look at my pictures yet from vacation. By the way, I really think that you and Nicole should have adopted that puppy... she was so cute.