Home Sweet Home

I'm alive!

I'm back in the states, breathing that sweet Michigan air, and enjoying the banter of relatives who taught me to talk funny (here we don't say holy shit, we say hokey pete. Delightful alternative, no? And childproof.)

There is no snow, but there are northern lights.

Has anyone ever heard of this before? There are piles pine cones at the bottom of our pine trees. They're not buried underground, they're just piled right at the base of the tree. We're not sure if it's the squirrels (do they DO that?) or if it's our Uncle Scott playing one of his elaborate practical jokes on us. One of those jokes that starts now, but won't be finished for 6 months and when it's done it will be really, really funny, and he'll laugh at us. Again. Curse you Uncle Scott!

Last night the family gathered to see my pictures. I weeded 1,500 pictures down to a mere 337 and spoke for 3 hours. Jiminy Christmas. I was so busy, I didn't even get any of the peanut brittle.

My 3 year old niece was kind enough to serve us all hot, imaginary tea to keep us refreshed. As she poured, she daintily said, " Pissssss" and that lead to some off-color comments about pissing in a cup. (By me. They weren't funny. I'm an idiot.)


Anonymous said...

In Boulder, we have snow. So much so that I'm missing Christmas Eve and Day in Michigan. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear it. I was really hoping you dodged that storm. Stay safe and warm!

Anonymous said...

That is really funny. It reminds me of a family reunion where my dad kept using the word "piss" just to piss my mom off. She was so embarrassed! It's amy, by the way

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "hokey pete"...I was at the dentist last Spring and the lady cleaning my teeth asked if we were expecting any company that summer (we live in Alaska and I've had more company here in one summer than in the many years I've lived elsewhere). Anyway, I started to say "Hokey Pete, yes! We're going to have tons of visitors this summer!", but I got as far as "hokey pete" and she said "Oh really, who is he?" I though everybody had heard of that saying before. Guess not.